A Selection of our Compensation and Benefits Surveys.
NCA Compensation and Benefits Surveys
The DC SHRM Compensation Survey has provided essential compensation data for Washington-Baltimore Area HR professional on jobs in every major industry for over 30 years. The Compensation Survey report also provides a detailed policies and practices section covering pay increase budgets, bonuses, turnover, security clearances, federal employees and many more. The Washington-Baltimore Area Benefits Survey is the region’s most robust source of reliable data on health care, retirement, welfare and work-life benefits.
For a comprehensive overview of all the DC SHRM Survey Products, visit the survey site here.
To participate visit: https://surveys.akroninc.net/dcshrm/
National Think Tank Compensation Survey
This is the only survey in the U.S. that reports on compensation and benefits data specifically for Think Tank and Research organizations that focus on academic level research in public policy, international relations and foreign policy. The report includes a comprehensive job section with over 70 jobs that are specific to Think Tanks and Research Organizations as well as a detailed Compensation Policies Section and a Benefits and Employer Practices Section.
Samples of the survey report and more information are available here.
To participate visit: http://www.thinktanksurvey.com
Local Government Personnel Association Comprehensive Salary and Benefits Survey
This online project is a partnership between the Local Government Personnel Association (LGPA), the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (COG) and member- jurisdictions. An annual publication of salaries for the most common job classifications and major benefit programs used by most local area jurisdictions, the survey reports on over 120 jobs and 25 compensation and benefits policies and practices.
For more information send an email to survey@akroninc.net.
NCBA-CLUSA Chief Executive Compensation Survey
The National Cooperative Business Association Cooperative League of the USA (NCBA CLUSA) has invited AKRON, Inc., to assist its Conference of Purchasing Cooperatives to conduct a custom survey of chief executive compensation. This survey aims to quantify the value of these combined skills and help the chief executive and their boards understand this value better by comparing data from executives in other cooperatives around the country.
For more information send an email to survey@akroninc.net.